Public Notice: Clarkston City Council regular meeting minutes, July 8, 2024

FINAL Minutes of the July 8, 2024, Regular City Council Meeting

  1. Call To Order:
  • The regular session meeting of the City of the Village of Clarkston City Council was called to order by Mayor Wylie at 7:00pm.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance:

  • Mayor Wylie led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  1. Roll Call:
  • Council Members Present: Sue Wylie, Mayor, Laura Rodgers, Amanda Forte, Ted Quisenberry, and Peg Roth.
  • Council Members Absent: Mark Lamphier and Gary Casey
  • Others Present: Jonathan Smith, City Manager, Tom Ryan, City Attorney,
  • Others Absent: Oakland County Sheriff Sergeant John Ashley.

4. Motion to amend the agenda to add a closed session:

  • Add item 11 (Attorney Client privilege regarding Independence township)
  • Motioned by Roth, supported by Rodgers to approve agenda as amended.

Roll call: Mayor Sue Wylie, Amanda Forte, Ted Quisenberry, Laura Rogers, Peg Roth

Motion to approve the agenda as it has been amended. Motion from Roth, supported by Rodgers. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 5-0

5. Public Comments:

  • David-Light out Holcomb/Church St
  • Drew- 15 E Church Sidewalk
  • Les Haight- 99 N Main & Robertson Ct. Light too bright

6. FYI:

  • Mayor Wylie commented about the 2024 Primary Accuracy test will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2024, at 11am at City Hall

7. City Manager Report 7.8.2024

  • Clerk Replacement
  • 23/24 FY Budget Amendment
  • Councilmember Petition Deadline: Sue Wylie, Peg Roth, Amanda Forte, Mark Lamphier
  • City Office Copy Machine Replacement
  • Thanks to Jim & Ann Degan

8. Motion: Acceptance of Consent Agenda as Presented 7.8.2024

  • Motioned by Quisenberry, supported by Forte to approve the Consent Agenda. VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 5-0

9. Unfinished Business:

  1. None


10. New Business:

  1. Resolution: Proposal to place Yes/No Referendum on the November 5 Ballot re: Single Waste Hauler in the City.

Motion to Table till July 22nd regular session meeting. Jonathan was asked to address some open questions. Motioned by Forte, supported by Roth. VOTE: Rodgers, Forte, Wylie, Roth yes, Quisenberry no. MOTION CARRIED 4-1.

  1. Resolution: Proposal for office computer purchase

Resolution to purchase replacement of 3 office computers. Motioned by Forte, supported by Rodgers. VOTE: All Aye. RESOLUTION CARRIED 5-0.

  1. Closed Session:
  1. Resolution to hold a Closed Session, as permitted by the Open Meetings Act and State Statue MCL 15.238(h) regarding alleged overbilling by Independence Township for Police and Fire Services.

Resolved by Roth, supported by Rodgers to hold a closed session to discuss the alleged overbilling by Independence Township for Police and Fire Services with the City Attorney. VOTE: All Aye. RESOLUTION CARRIED 5-0.

1. Initiate Closed Session 7:55PM

2. Return to Open Session 8:09PM

12. Adjourn

  1. Motioned by Rodgers, supported by Roth: VOTE: All Aye. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Respectfully Submitted by Jonathan Smith, City Manager

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