State Primary ELECTION
Tuesday, august 4, 2020
Notice is hereby given that a State Primary election will be held in Independence Township on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
At the following locations:
1 St. Trinity Lutheran Church –
7925 Sashabaw Road
2 First Congregational Church –
5449 Clarkston Road
3 Senior Community Center @ Clintonwood Park – 6000 Clarkston Road
4 Clarkston Independence District Library –
6495 Clarkston Road
5 Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church –
6805 Bluegrass
6 Clarkston Community Church –
6300 Clarkston Road
7 Oakland Woods Baptist Church –
5628 Maybee Road
8 Maranatha Baptist Church –
5790 Flemings Lake Road
9 Harvestland Church – 5848 Clintonville Road
10 & 11 Mt. Zion Church – 4900 Maybee Road
12 Lakeview Room @ Bay Court Park –
6970 Andersonville Road
13 Clarkston United Methodist Church –
6600 Waldon Road
For the purpose of nominating candidates of the Democratic Party and Republican Party seeking nomination to the following partisan offices:
Congressional: U.S. Senator; Representative in Congress; 8th District
Legislative: Representative; 43rd District
County: County Executive; Prosecuting Attorney; Sheriff; Clerk and Register of Deeds; Treasurer; Water Resources Commissioner and County Commissioner 1st and 4th Districts
Township: Supervisor; Clerk; Treasurer and Trustees (4)
Delegate: Delegate to the County Convention
Non-Partisan office:
Judicial: Judge of Circuit Court; 6th District
And for the purpose of voting on the following proposals:
Independence Township:
Fire and Emergency Services Operating Millage
Waterford School District:
Bond Proposition
Full text of the ballot proposals may be obtained at the Charter Township of Independence Clerk’s office, 6483 Waldon Center Dr., Clarkston, MI 48346. A sample ballot may be viewed at
Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent voter ballot.
To comply with the Help America Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
Cari J. Neubeck, CMC
Township Clerk
PUBLISHED & POSTED: Wednesday, July 15, 2020