Spring means season of sales

If you want to have your own or go out in search of treasures’now is the season of garage sales.
You can make some extra cash by gathering items you no longer need for your own sale.
Clarkston resident Becky Richey said her home needs a new roof, but there are also other reasons she decided to have a garage sale. ‘I mostly wanted to purge and get of rid of things, but we are also big into recycling,? she said. ‘I feel like we need to pass our blessings onto others.?
Richey had a visitor at her garage sale that is in the process recovering from a house fire. The visitor was looking for a bookshelf, and Richey just happened to be selling one.
Anything not sold at the sale, the Richey family plans to donate to charity.
‘We should pass our blessings onto others instead of just keeping things we may need in the future,? said Richey.
If you want to have your own sale here are a few tips, according to About.com:
? Advertising your sale is the key to success. Make sure you advertise your sale, the more you advertise, the more people will come. Each week The Clarkston News has listings of many garage sales in the area. You can also pick up other Sherman Publications such as The Oxford Leader, Lake Orion Review, The Citizen, The Penny Stretcher and Ad-vertiser, each publication has tons of sales advertised in the area each publication covers.
? Create clear signs that let people know exactly what days and time your garage sale will be. Also make sure signs have clear directions, so people can find their way easily.
? Make sure your items are clean and in good shape. The better your items look, the more they will appeal to buyers.
? Gather all necessary materials like tape, pricing material, plastic bags and newspapers to wrap fragile items. You will also need to have change handy for customers paying with larger bills.
? Organize your sale based on types of goods. Place like items with like items.
? Protect your home. Make a sign that clearly states there is no restroom available, and stick to it.
? If you have items that you don’t care much about’or don’t exactly know how to price’set up a free box. Place the box in plain sight near the road, and people will be drawn in by the word free.