Township denied nature preserve grant

Brandon Twp.- An 80-acre parcel of land located off M-15 and adjacent to Brandon High School will not become a nature preserve.
The township and the Brandon Preservation Committee applied for a $900,000 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant to purchase the $1.2 million property, but received a letter Dec. 5 denying the grant. The township and committee were also denied last year.
‘We’re not trying again,? said board trustee Tom Stowell. ‘The owner will probably sell. I’m disappointed.?
The property is owned by the Casselman family and includes a section of Kearsley Creek, dense forests and several acres of wetlands. The township, along with the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy, had planned to use the property for environmental education, outdoor classrooms and other learning activities due to the proximity of the high school.