Township pitches in for road paving

Residents on South Newman Road have approached the Road Commission for Oakland County about forming a special assessment district for road improvements, and have Orion Township’s blessing along with their pledge to contribute 10 percent of the cost.
Trustees OK’d on Feb. 17 a request from the residents to contribute up to $9,965 of the total $99,645 cost estimate from the RCOC for the project, which would pave South Newman.
Resident Denise Kallis presented a letter to the board regarding her and fellow Newman resident Geri Gibbons circulating a petition to have the road paved. She said 60 percent of the residents were in agreement.
The board agreed to take the funds from the general capital improvement fund.
‘We have dollars in that line item under roads,? said clerk Jill Bastian. ‘I believe it was for the roundabout and the paving of Eastview…I assumed Eastview would have been paved last year.?
‘I think it’s an excellent and determined person that brought this forward,? said trustee Richard Tomczak. ‘I think it’s a good idea.?
Kallis said she believed South Newman would be paved in June.