Betty Lemire, 97


Betty (Elizabeth Louise) Lemire (Soldusky) passed from this world on June 26, 2022.
Betty lived many lifetimes in her 97 years.
She was born to Anna (Graczyk) and Albert Soldusky and raised in Ludington. At age 21, Betty wed Robert L. Lemire, with whom she shared her life until he passed in 2010. She led a full and varied life as the mother to Patricia Weber (Ronald), Joseph Lemire (Mona), and Mary Jane Lemire (Thomas Baeten). Betty lived in Waterford for most of her retired years and appreciated wintering in Arizona with Bob for over 20 years.
As a grandmother, Betty lavished love on Nicole Weber, Christopher Weber (Julie), Austin Lemire-Baeten, and Faith Lemire-Baeten. She enjoyed being the great grandmother to Hadley Weber and Adeline Weber. She loved to tickle knees, nurture curiosity, teach new skills and surprise with chocolates.
Betty delighted in gardening and her skills were unsurpassed. Among other accomplishments, she planted and harvested from dozens of tomato plants annually and produced bouquets of flowers from her multitude of plants. She was a devout Catholic and mostly reserved but had a long, loud laugh that built a bond with those around her. She loved sewing, crafting, reading and the many joys she found in the world. She’d risk a blizzard to indulge her love of dark chocolate.
Betty traveled extensively, both nationally and internationally. She said she relied on her “guardian angel” as she navigated planes, trains, and boats. After traveling as far east as she could go, she settled on the tropical Island of Hainan with Joseph and Mona. She left this world peacefully with them at her side.
Betty left us with an appreciation of quiet sunsets and fragrant flowers, the wisdom of her thoughts and experiences, and a love felt deeply by all. She is in our hearts and homes. She is missed.

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