Dick Devos visits Clarkston Cafe

Clarkston Cafe took more of a town hall feel June 12 as area residents gathered for breakfast with a few special guests.
Attending the breakfast with Michigan Senator Mike Bishop, Michigan businessman Dick DeVos fielded questions from area residents concerned about Michigan’s current state of affairs.
DeVos, a potential future opponent of Governor Jennifer Granholm, expressed an interest in discovering what local people would look for in a future governor.
DeVos discussed his family history in Michigan and his wish to keep young people from leaving the state.
Citing human capital as Michigan’s top resource, DeVos explained the need to develop that capital. Economic development based on improved education was highlighted as his top priority.
‘We need an economic environment conducive to individuals who want to come and grow in the state,? said DeVos.
As questions turned towards education, DeVos discussed what he considers low MEAP scores and described himself as an advocate and defender of the idea that every child deserves the best education.
In response to other questions, DeVos acknowledged that Proposal A is not perfect, but reminded the audience that the statute addressed many prevalent issues when passed, including property taxes and seniors being pushed from their homes.
At the end, DeVos discussed Michigan’s resources.
‘We have to earn our way into the revenues in this state? we’d love to spend the money and do all the good things we know we can do, but there isn’t the resources,? he concluded.