OCDC offers hearing after twp. issues ultimatum

Give us a hearing or we won’t collect your money.
That was Oxford Township’s message to the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office (OCDC) and apparently, it worked.
Township officials Oct. 10 voted unanimously not to place the 2007 Multi-Lakes Level Special Assessment on the winter tax roll until the county holds a public hearing for Stringy Lakes residents to address their questions and concerns about a leaking dam and the proposed extra tax to fit it.
The motion set a deadline of no later than Oct. 31 for the hearing.
‘We feel that the least the drain commissioner’s office can do out of common courtesy have a public hearing for our residents,? said Treasurer Joe Ferrari. ‘We’ve got some folks over in that area who may have a good solution that may be cheaper and better in the long run.?
The OCDC responded to the township’s ultimatum Tuesday afternoon by saying that it would set a tentative public hearing date of Thursday, Nov. 15. Time and location have yet to be determined.
The township has offered to put together a public meeting at either the high school or middle school and issue the public notices.
The OCDC is expecting the 642 Oxford residents living on the Stringy Lakes or who live on canals leading to the lakes to pay approximately $178,000 on their December tax bills for repair of a leaking county dam located off of W. Drahner Road this winter.
Because the dam is located in a special assessment district, residents are responsible to pay for regular operation and maintenance, which normally costs residents $6,100 a year.
?(The OCDC’s) issue is that they want to wait (to hold a hearing) until the (repair) bids come back,? said Ferrari, noting the bids are scheduled to be back by Oct. 24. ‘Our issue is that’s immaterial because that amount’s going to be assessed regardless if the bids come back at $20,000 or $400,000.?
Once an official date, time and location for the public hearing is announced, the Leader will be the first to publish it on-line at www.oxfordleader.com.