Ind Twp Planning, 1-11-18

January 11, 2018
Please take notice that the Independence Township Planning Commission, Oakland County, Michigan, will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments at the Independence Township Hall Meeting Room, 6483 Waldon Center Dr., Clarkston MI, 48347-0069, to consider the following:
PC File #2018-003 Zoning
Ordinance Text Amendments
Elimination of Section 13.05(F) in order to eliminate the requirement for side yards to be at least five(5) feet to permit fire equipment reasonable access to prevent the spreading of fire.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT THE ABOVE REQUEST MAY BE EXAMINED at the Township Building Department during regular business hours. Written comments may be sent to the Planning Commission c/o the Independence Township Building Department, 6483 Waldon Center Dr., P.O. Box 69, Clarkston, MI 48347-0069 prior to the Public Hearing/Meeting.
For further information call (248) 625-8111.
Barbara A Pallotta, Clerk
The Township will provide the necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at a public hearing/meeting upon advance notice in writing or by calling the Township Building Department (248) 625-8111.

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