First reading OK for LED sign

Alex’s Market and Grill owner Steve Nannoshi speaks to the Independence Township Board of Trustees at the Sept. 10 regular meeting at Township Hall. Photo by Matt Mackinder

Clarkston News Staff Writer

The soon-to-be-opened Alex’s Market and Grill on White Lake Road may have an LED sign after all. The Independence Township Board voted unanimously, Sept. 10, to approve first reading of their Planned Unit Development Amendment.
Second reading will be at the board meeting next week.
The Planning Commission recommended against the applicants’ request for a changeable LED sign, and wanted more time to create standards for signs addressing safety, driver distraction, brightness, transition type, timing and specific areas to locate.
Right after approving first reading, the Township Board then proposed a six-month moratorium on new LED sign requests, to provide the Planning Commission time to create LED sign standards and incorporate them into township ordinances. The moratorium is to take effect after second reading, public comment, and approval.
“There is a way to go before this is finalized yet,” said township Supervisor Pat Kittle.
Township Trustee Paul Brown, a longtime resident of the township, said signs don’t make or break the community.
“For me, the character of the community, which keeps getting brought up quite a bit, is not the buildings and the things nearly as much as it is the people who live here in the businesses that want to be a part of it,” Brown said.
Alex’s Market owner Steve Nannoshi said his business will stand out amongst surrounding industrial facilities.
“When they’re passing by White Lake Road, they’re not going to notice the asphalt factory, they’re not going to notice the disposal,” Nannoshi said. “They’re going to know that unique market that you got in there. We’re very unique, very different. I’m going to tell you something else – when you’re going to walk into Alex’s Market, it is going to be more beautiful than what that building outside is. So that sign, I would appreciate it. It would help us out a lot, but I think we’ve done a lot to the township.”
The next Board of Trustees meeting is next Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m. at Township Hall, 6483 Waldon Center Drive.

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