Admittedly, I knew very little about Clarkston when I came aboard with The Clarkston News in Feb. 2019.
Now, almost 18 months later, I have learned several things about the area.
I have learned most people actually live in Independence Township or Springfield Township or even Davisburg. Less than 1,000 people technically live in Clarkston proper.
And, oh, the correct name of the municipality is City of the Village of Clarkston.
I have learned there is so much history here there have been times a reader or resident has contacted us and 30 minutes later, we know about unique intricacies about Clarkston.
I have learned that everyone knows Dr. O’Neil (both of them), Mel Vaara and Dan Fife. I have also learned who the gentlemen are and what they mean to Clarkston Community Schools, high school athletics and the community overall.
I have learned people like living in Clarkston and the local area for the ambience and the throwback atmosphere, which doesn’t include LED lighting. The way Clarkston always has been is what I see many residents like the best. Change is tough to take around here for many, many folks.
When I walk or drive through town on an assignment or going from Point A to Point B, this town strikes me as one of amazement – it’s so big, yet so small. It has that feeling in wintertime of a Hallmark Christmas movie.
In the spring and summer, it feels like a town that yearns to be outside at the restaurants and beaches.
And year-round, I have seen Clarkston as a town where everyone knows everyone. Even if not personally, people know who you are talking about.
To sum it all up, Clarkston is a great town with a lot to offer. The public services and public safety is second to none, the schools are awesome, and Main Street is just as you would expect.
I may not live in the immediate area, but I am proud to call C-Town a second home of sorts! Look, the world is in a crazy and tumultuous state right now. That has changed. Clarkston shouldn’t have to.