Looking back on 2020, looking ahead to 2021

Looking back on 2020, looking ahead to 2021

There isn’t much more than one word we can use to describe the year that has been 2020.
Nothing else has as much relevance as the pandemic that has made us all adjust to a new way of living, a new way of taking on family and school challenges, and a new way of keeping businesses afloat.
It hasn’t been easy, but in Clarkston, the community has done what it can do to keep moving forward. That’s the only direction and choice we have. The past is long gone, and for many of us, good riddance to the negativity that 2020 brought on us.
Optimism is always strong this time of year, even in a COVID-free world, and this year, we need to keep that hope burning and those positive feelings alive that 2021 will once again help us shine the light on the many positives we all have in our lives.
And there are many.
This past year put us all on edge, made us all maybe a tad crabby and irritable at times, and saw many of us change our focus on what is important in life, choosing between a need and a want.
But we have come through this stronger. We see it all the time. All over, people are beginning to bring back their cheery sides, their humble sides, and their positive thought processes.
What has been most impressive is no matter how disheartening things seem to be or how people can lose hope and want to throw in the towel, there is always that light at the end of the tunnel that keeps us all going. It’s so evident. Just look around.
During the holiday season, yes, we put things into perspective and, even for a small window of time, can try to throw all the negative vibes and feelings out the window and appreciate all that we have and all that we are while striving to make the next year better.
Will 2021 change overnight? Doubtful, but we all have to start somewhere.
Why not start here and now?
We all know that, like most things that drag us down in life, the pain of 2020 shall soon pass.
There have been positive aspects to this year, and it hasn’t been doom and gloom for everyone.
Let’s just be grateful that we can all soon start with a clean slate and look ahead to making a difference in not just our lives, but in those lives of others.
And we do it by moving forward.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
— Matt Mackinder

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