State Rep. Andrea Schroeder and the Michigan House of Representatives recently approved a measure to require Secretary of State branch offices to offer a walk-in option to residents.
This plan also extends the expiration deadlines for state identification and vehicle registrations.
“Restoring a walk-in option at branch offices is essential for Michiganders who have had trouble fulfilling simple tasks, like renewing their driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations over the past year, due to Secretary Benson’s appointment-only model,” said Schroeder, of Independence Township. “This plan allows residents across the state access to the services they need without fear of late fees, while also eliminating the months-long backlog that has built up over time.”
Senate Bills 507-509 would provide a 120-day extension for driver’s licenses, personal ID cards and vehicle registrations that are currently scheduled to expire between March 31 and August 1.
The plan would also require the Secretary of State to offer walk-in services at each branch office any day the office is open for advance appointments.
In March 2020, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson closed branch offices due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
When offices reopened several months later, services were only made available by appointment, a system many residents found unnecessarily complicated which created months-long wait times for many essential services.
In April, the department announced the appointment-only style system will remain in place on a permanent basis. However, Schroeder has advocated for a long-term approach that includes walk-in access.
Senate Bills 507-509 now return to the Senate for consideration.