A Look Back for February 12, 2025

From The Clarkston News archives

25 years ago – 2000
Curbing city truck traffic: Truck traffic continued to be a concern for many people in Clarkston especially those who lived in historic homes. Many residents shared the trucks rumbling through downtown area weaken the foundations of those structures. City officials were hoping to improve the problem of trucks driving on Main Street with the implementation of Clarkston’s Downtown Action Agenda 2000.
Park naturalist describes job as ‘perfect opportunity’: Lynn Conover grew up in suburban Detroit, but felt right at home in the wilds of nature. Conover has served 16 years as assistant park naturalist at the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center in Independence Oaks County Park. She said the job was the “perfect opportunity,” blending her love of nature with her love of teaching. “Since a very young age, seventh grade, I really loved nature, and really wanted to teach. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine those two things together.”
Heading up North: Clarkston Ski Coach Bruce Rosengren couldn’t have said it any better – the girls team rocked. The Clarkston Girls Ski team was headed to the state championship again thanks to an outstanding performance in the MHSAA Class A Region 1 races. They finished with five in the top ten in both the Slalom and the Giant Slalom. Brandon Rosengren and Matt Evans qualified for the state meet for the boys team.

50 years ago – 1975
Glennie moves to supervisor’s job: J. Edwin Glennie, a frontrunner in a quartet of candidates, was officially appointed Independence Township supervisor. The next step for the four board members who remained following Robert Vandermark’s resignation from the top township post was to name a successor to Glennie as clerk.
Bob’s Hardware sold to Crowley: Mike Crowley had always wanted a business of his own and since he grew up in Clarkston it seemed like the logical place for it. Crowley bought Bob’s Hardware, located on South Main St., from Bob and Gerry Wertman. Crowley brought to the business 14 years of experience in wholesale and retail having worked with A&P and Spartan. He had worked the past eight months in the hardware store helping Bob and learning the business.
Girls in top spot: The Clarkston Varsity Volleyball team took the first place position in the Wayne-Oakland league. The team improved to 7-1 after a close match against Andover. Clarkston lost the first game, 15 to 12 and came back to win the next game, 15 to 10. The Wolves took the last game 16-14 with Dede Miller getting two of the three finals points off aces.

75 years ago – 1950
Fine program by local scouts: It was a good crowd of 125 parents, teachers and friends present at the Clarkston P.T.A. meeting. The amount did not include the over 100 there representing the four branches of scouting in the Clarkston district. A program was given by the scouts including the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cubs and Brownies. The Brownies gave an outline of the year’s activities. The Cubs sang some of the old, familiar camp songs. The local Girl Scout troop conducted a regular meeting, and the Boy Scout Pack 49 presented a playlet on safety.
Clarkston locals: Mrs. Charles Robinson with daughter, Kay, and son, King, left for Boynton Beach, Fla., where they would spend six weeks. They intended on leaving from the Willow Run airport but on account of hazardous weather, they took the 5:15 p.m. train to Cleveland.
The Hilltopper: For two weeks, the section of the seventh grade under Mr. Smith’s supervision constructed a model of Detroit as it stood in 1703. The other section of seventh grade, under the direction of Mrs. Staebler, conducted an experiment showing how the average seventh grader spent their money. The students kept accounts of seven items – saving, entertainment, school supplies, snacks, clothing, food and miscellaneous.

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