Addison library ‘fishing’ for new, used children’s books

This year families in Addison Township and the Village of Leonard who are in need will receive more than food in their holiday gift baskets from Oxford-Orion FISH.
The Addison Public Library is ‘fishing? for new or gently used children’s books to put in the baskets.
Sue James, an employee of the library, said the library has always wanted to add something special to the baskets to light up the face of a child on Christmas.
Michele Presley, director of the library, spoke with FISH about collecting books for the basket and decided it would be a great addition.
James said the library felt it was important to support local charities this holiday season.
‘One thing that they keep on advertising on all the new programs is that everyone’s been concentrating on the Katrina victims and tsunami victims and local charities aren’t getting what they have in the past,? she said. ‘This way, we’ll be supporting the people (locally) by doing this.?
To give a special gift to a child in need this Christmas, drop off donations at the Addison Public Library or the Lakeville Post Office by Thursday, Dec. 8.