Dangblabitall! You know, I was really feeling kinda groovy and thought I had pretty much escaped with my dignity intact. A few years back, oh about the time my boys became teenagers and girls started occupying more of their thoughts than little Japanese monsters with funny names, I figuratively wiped the sweat from my brow, […]
Yeah, yeah. I know. It’s old news. Political elites violate tons of rules and with nary a slap on their pocket-picking hands for repercussions. Queen of the Damned Hillary Clinton, those pesky, and mean honky Republicans and of course James Comey, Director of the ever-lovin’ Federal Bureau of Investigations. After Comey completed his July 4 […]
Just in from the Road Commission: The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will spray patch approximately 60 lane miles of roads throughout the county starting July 11 on 12 Mile Road between Telegraph Road (US 24) and Orchard Lake Road in the communities of Southfield and Farmington Hills. Spray patching involves cleaning out the […]
So, Monday night I was lulled to sleep by the soundtrack, dialogue and carnage that is that cinematic masterpiece Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and somewhere between evil Klown snickering and screams, just before my brain turned off, I thought, “Rats. I didn’t write that column . . .” * * * Good morning, happy […]
**URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP FIRE CHIEF** EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY and UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE For All Residents of Independence Township and The City of Clarkston As a result of the extremely dry conditions, the Independence Township Fire Department is urging all residents of Independence Township and The City of the Village of Clarkston to refrain […]
It’s Monday morning. I’ve gotten to the office an hour early. It’s 7 a.m. I opened up the shop, turned the lights on, made the week’s first pot of coffee. This is a good part of my Monday routine. Silence. No one here to ask questions, look for solutions to problems; nobody in need of […]
I know, I know. Many, dare I say most, of you think of me as this manly mans man kinda guy. If I had another name it might be Guy Man. Alas, I don’t have another name. I am just plain old, ever-lovin’ and affable Don Rush. Hate to break it to you, but I […]
The other day I was walking in a local parking lot and I saw a dirty old, patina’ed penny. It was dinged up pretty good, so I reckon it had been run over a few times. Despite the fact President Lincoln’s face was turned down, I bent over and picked it up and slid it […]
If you do not subscribe and have a graduating senior, you may wanna head to the nearest store in town and get a copy of The Clarkston News. Our annual graduation section — with a ton of pictures — will hit the stands this afternoon!
By Don Rush I think by now most area students who are one of the Class of 2016 have completed their graduation ceremonies. With pomp and circumstance you walked down the aisle with robe and cap. You pushed your tassels from right to left. You have graduated. Yay! Woo-hoo and congratulations! As I told Number […]