Mere mortals, one and all. That’s us in the Great Lakes State. And as such, we can only wait and let nature complete its cycle. We are powerless against Jack Frost, Old Man Winter, et al. But, hope springs eternal in the hearts of Michiganians everywhere because we can dream. And in our dreams during […]
Kids — you gotta’ love ’em (especially when they are not yet three years old.) Kids about that age have a way of making you smile when you least expect it or when you need it the most. This of course, is a survival mechanism for homo sapiens. If they weren’t so darned cute, the […]
Since I was a young collegiate student-type of individual, the debate has raged in regards to the influences the media has on younger and more impressionable youths. “That kid drank 27 gallons of milk and died of Bovinetummyacheitis ’cause he saw it in a movie.” “No he didn’t. No one ever told him he could […]
We had an eventful 24 hours at the old homestead not too many days ago. And, as usual at Casa de Rush eventful, interesting, noteworthy or momentous moments happen to and revolve around our two angelic, all-American, blue-eyed and blond-haired lads. Ah, just what would life be like without Sir Shamus and Master Sean? This […]
Don’t know about you, but I got my forehead burned working out in the yard this past weekend — too much sun. (Before I get too far ahead of myself, I’m not complaining. You Go Mother Nature!) * * * Don’t know if this next quote is attributed to the correct individual. It was e-mailed […]
So, by a show of hands out there, how many think less of Michael Moore since his Oscar performance? For those who share a disdain of the rotund, unshaven, unkept, baseball hat toting film director from Flint, check out this website: Ignore the plea to send money. I did. * * * Anne Goodwin, […]
Well, well, well. We have a convert, friends. A new member of the club has stepped up from the rabble to join us and move forward. Somebody who didn’t agree with and or understand our motives now sees things differently. As always, it is only a matter of time. No, no, no. Oscar-winning documentarian Michael […]
Goodrich — It was a cold April night that left an even colder feeling in the hearts of one local family. For the second time in two years, Ron and Linda Robertson have suffered through a fire at their Ridge Road home. ‘I feel real bad for them, they’re such nice people,? said Barb Gottschling, […]
The other week we received a faxed press release from one of Michigan’s two US Senators, Debbie Stabenow. ‘In an effort to both celebrate the US system of government and encourage public participation in that system, Sen. Debbie Stabenow today offered legislation that would make Election Day in November a national holiday,? the press release […]
For the life of me I cannot find the local who sent me this e-mail, but I have an idea it was from a female. That said . . . * * * Americans rarely get a chance to see another country’s editorial about the USA. Read this excerpt from a Romanian newspaper. The article […]