So long 2015, we barely knew ye’

Call me kooky, but son-of-a-gun, where did 2015 go? Maybe it’s the weather phenom we have experienced this December (read: 50 and 60 degree weather, green grass, budding lilacs and oh my . . .) For many 2015 was bittersweet, some good, some sad and lots of changes. For me, it was a year with […]

Kick ’em when they’re down this Christmas

Gosh . . . I don’t know . . . for at least a decade, I have set aside December columns for writing about Christmas. Christmas past, Christmas with the kids, Christmas as a kid; Christmas memories, music and musings. I’ve laid wood on fruitcake and pontificated on all sorts of Christmasy crap. I’ve let […]

‘For hate is strong and mocks the song…?

Peace on earth and good will to men. Holiday seasons always seem to get mucked up because of some whack-job somewhere is hellbent on destruction. I know it is a hard concept for me to grasp, but, the world isn’t on Dandy Don Rush’s blue-sky and sunshine schedule. It outta be, but alas, it ain’t […]

Lighten up, even if you don’t put lights up

To all the Scrooges out there — stop being cranky! To all the Grinches out there — take five from your grumpiness! To all those smarty old snooties with their beaks in the air (and you know who you are, you who are too high and mighty to enjoy a little goodwill and peace) smile […]

Fa la la la la but don’t be scammed

Gather ’round kiddies. Huddle close together and listen up. It’s December in the year of our Lord, 2015. We had a snow last month, your Detroit football Lions, won a Thanksgiving game and the 10 day weather forecast for Southeastern Michigan has temperatures solidly in the 40s. Hot damn and deck them halls with boughs […]

Do something nice. This is Zach’s gift to you.

I will admit it, I am emotionally retarded. To many I am distant. Stoic. I have shared my soul with only a few precious people. It’s not that I don’t feel, I am human. I just don’t share well with others what is inside my coat of armor.I am impartial.Balanced.I am forever calm (one even […]

Ballot committee forms for LGBT constitutional amendment

I ended last week’s chapter of the sacred texts known as Don’t Rush Me (the column) thusly: So, I have been hearing about an effort afoot to open up and change the Michigan Constitution to put in verbiage stating something like, ‘It is unconstitutional to discriminate against anyone based on their sexuality, gender identity . […]

Me thinks I was mocked

I have never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, the brightest bulb in the box, toughest kid on the block, the prettiest face in the mirror, nor the wittiest clown under the big top, BUT . . . my heart flittered a wee bit this weekend whilst reading reader e-mail. Maybe a […]

Feel the Bern?

You know, I don’t even know why I started writing — no, thinking about writing — this week’s column. It is just way, too danged early to write about national politics (since this is a community publication). But, here I go. If you wanna? turn the page, you have my blessings. Turn freely without guilt, […]

OMMe! Daylight Savings Time and Halloween

March 11, 2007 is a day burned into my memory. Much like Aug. 16, 1977. I remember those dates with sadness. I don’t remember too many other dates, anniversaries or birthdays. I am a frivolous sort. * * * I knew it was the time of year when the governmental powers that be would once […]

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