Where does Denny find the time?

A few years ago, right here in the hallowed halls of Don’t Rush Me-dom, I opined about this dude. This guy who is like a Detroit Lions superfan. His name, Denny Arney. I was just thinking about Denny this past Sunday, as your Detroit Lions finally broke into the winning column by downing the dreaded […]

Love affair over and kneeded advice

While fall in Michigan is really a thing of beauty, brilliant fired oranges, reds and yellows in the trees, a sky of blue and plaid shirts of flannel, it is also kinda a sad time, too. At least for me. It’s the time of the year I say, ‘Fair thee well? to my gardens of […]

Fall is when my fashion senses slay!

It must be genetic. There has to be something in my Deoxyribonucleic acid that makes me such an expert. My blue-collar dad was always fussy about how his clothes fit. The buttons on his shirt had to line up with his belt buckle and zipper on his trousers. I think he called it his ‘gig […]

Well now . . . maybe this is why my knees hurt!

For the past — oh, three, four or five months my knees have hurt. First one, the right, then the other (which, if you’re keep track, would be the left). And, well, it kinda bums me out, because I had started walking like four days a week and was getting really good at it! I […]

Evoking the spirit of Hunter S. Thompson

Multicolored and whimsical clown cars twirl about, zigging and zagging pounding the walls inside my skull; piped in between my ears, circus music swirls around, skimming across the fast becoming smoother ridges of the glob of goo that once was my gray matter. My addled brain only gets addleder the more I observe the farce […]

Dufus is as Dufus does so don’t be a dufus driver

‘I am embarrassed,? the woman on the other end of my office phone told me . . . and then she told me her concerns. Hmm? Well damn. * * * I will be the first to admit when the school bells commence to ring, announcing the start of a new school year, I feel […]

Hot damn! I got a stye in my eye!

Hey, it’s Labor Day weekend and I wanna? take a break . . . so here is an oldie but a goodie from 2004. Read, smile and I hope, enjoy. — DPR * * * Sept. 1, 2004 — Last week I got some great news. News that had me whistling happy tunes, snapping my […]

Donny Morning Glory Seed spreads the love

Don’t know what it is about this time of the year, but every year ? oh, for the last 15 years or so, the end of August, through the rest of fall, I pick to sew later, seeds. I like collecting and drying peas and beans and tomato seeds for next year’s garden. I like […]

Adrenaline Rush, yeah, that’s the ticket!

You know how it is sometimes. You have time to think and your mind will take you on a wonderful odyssey — ones full of excitement, danger and sometimes even love (which is fraught with so much peril that it is the Number One subject of nearly all books ever published!) Since the end of […]

Your August has arrived, hot!

Days of glory? If I harken back to those thrilling days of yesteryear to when I was as a young man of 14 to 18 years old, it seems to me this week of this month always brought me a fair amount of consternation. The end of the summer vacation was eminent. The nights longer; […]

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