Thud, thud: Thrown under bus whilst on vacation

You may or may not know this, but I was on vacation over the span of two weeks (but for only six days). Always wanted to go to Maine. The opportunity came up, I jumped and the rest is history. I went to Maine. This column is not about what I did on that trip. […]

Readers respond to Rush writing

I love alliteration almost as I love it when people, of their own volition, take time out of their lives and read what I’ve written. And, I love that almost as much as I do when those some individuals then take more time out of their lives (time they will never get back) and write […]

Artificial outrage gets his goat, dangit!

This column is a little late getting out of the hopper. About two months late. Which can mean one of two things. 1. It’s really gonna? be a gem — something well worth the wait because I’ve thought about it so much, or; 2. It’s really going to suck and be a total waste of […]

Bob Seger in Clarkston, and . . .

Two totally unrelated events happened to me this week that got me a-pondering. One of the coolest parts of being ‘the? local newspaper guy (look at my business card if you don’t believe me) is local history. I love hearing, discovering all the neat little things that have had happened to make each of our […]

Sunny and 80 on Memorial Day?!

While spring kinda dribbled in this year, this weekend marks America’s opening to summer. If we are lucky, the sun will be out and the temperatures will be above 50 for all our parades and Memorial Day ceremonies. A quick check to the Weather Underground website, predicts 80 degrees and a chance of rain in […]

An adventure right in front of me

I read a blog ( about cleaning and organizing junk drawers. Inspired, when I got to work on Monday, I opened the desk drawer that normally stays closed, except when I open it to throw more stuff in there. Wow! It’s funny how many things a desk drawer can hold. I felt like a fedora […]

The Mummy!

Recently, son Sean, 14, was honored as one of the top 51 ‘scholars? of Shiawassee County. Something about having scored well on an SAT test these 8th graders took earlier in the year elevated their existence to this level of renown. It was a very proud moment for all the kids, their families and friends. […]

? . . a communication of thoughts and ideas by words, as may serve for the upholding common conversation . . .” John Locke on civil discourse

It seems the more opportunities we have to connect with each other, the more we separate ourselves. I’m not just talking about interpersonal relationships, either. I’m talking about communal relationships, relationships which help communities navigate societal changes in a productive manner. Now that was a long-winded way of saying, or asking, ‘Why are we yelling […]

Young Master Shamus has grown into his brain

This week, eldest son Shamus, now 16, is getting fit for his tux. He’s making a high school prom appearance this weekend. He’s a good, young man; caring and smart. And, thinking of how young master Shamus has grown, on what he’s achieved and overcome these too few years, I had a flash back. I […]

Tax Freedom Day this week!

Okay everybody, take a long, deep breath. Take your eyes away from the page, close ’em and let that breath leave your body. Relax. Come this Thursday, April 17, every upstanding, taxpaying Michiganian will have theoretically worked enough this year to pay off the government. Thursday is Tax Freedom Day. Feel better? Me neither. Last […]

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