It’s a small world afterall . . . no, really

Not too many women have made me cry within hours of meeting them. I must confess, however, before I left for the evening, the water works were opened up and tears openly dripped down my cheeks. Yes, sweet little Toey had me all choked up. Literally, I couldn’t speak. It was as if my vocal […]

Duck Dynasty, watch out!

There’s an old saying (or maybe a successful marketing slogan) that goes like this: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And, while some will maintain that what happens behind the closed doors of Ortonville’s Boat Bar, probably should stay in the Boat Bar, hold on to your sweet bipees a minute. There’s this group […]

Oakland County reaching out to small biz?

Thems that know me know I, like many Americans, root for the underdog (and as I type this I can still hear the nerdy intones of the late actor Wally Cox as he gave voice to the TV cartoon character, UnderDog . . . but that’s for another column). Yep, I am an unabashed cheerleader […]

Of socks and men and boys

While sitting on my the green sofa in my living room I thought of a few things. One. I have actually used this sofa since about 1970, when Grandma Rush moved from her home in Detroit to an apartment in Westland. I inherited it after she died a few years ago. Two. I came to […]

The Super Secret Codeword is (ssh) toothpaste

After I found out what I am about to share with you, I had to look inward and find strength. Was I strong enough to do this? It took a couple of agonizing weeks of searching my conscious, but in the end I did finally type the words. Should I share them, though? Do I […]

Chili leads to one conclusion:

There I was all alone, by myself with the 50 or so other people gathered under the big tent waiting to hear Big Tom Lowrie make the announcement. There was much laughter and general jovialness throughout the evening of the 4th Annual Chili Cookoff. But, alone, I held my breath. Let me pause a moment […]

Jury duty is just that, your duty

Now that it’s over and I have time to reflect, I can say am glad I was lucky enough to sit in judgment of a fellow American. It was a very lengthy process, one that spanned a three-week period. This was a criminal case, one that involved people and not property. It was a hard […]

Local folks on the go (and one that went)

More than a few years ago a local gal used to set type for us here at the newspaper. A typesetter for us, at that time meant she had good hands and fast fingers because she typed a lot of stuff (and all on deadline). Terri Elliott is her name. She’s also been spotlighted by […]

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

Ah, September. I never was really found of the month. Don’t get be wrong, it’s an okay span of time. My mom was born in September, and that was a good thing.. Hmm. What else? When September is given as a name to a girl, it is beautiful. But generally, September just kinda sucks. I […]

Drugs, plumbing, videos & more

The other week and maybe it was just this past weekend — I don’t remember much past today these days — I was toolin? round the 90 degree curve to the west on Perry Road in Goodrich . . . I mean Atlas. And, right there by the Atlas ‘Post Office? I was visually hit […]

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