Voting could have been easier

Here’s Don’s Time Savings Rant #1,934,345 (which is remarkably similar to his TSR #1). Okay, call me kooky, but, now that we have ‘fallen? back, what does that mean? Where have we fallen from? From what perch on high did we descend? Are we in Daylight Saving Time now, or was that before? How do […]

So Don, what do you think?

For some awful reason more folks than usual have sought me out and asked my opinion on the upcoming election. Before you go there, I agree: there are really Eight Signs of the Apocalypse. Death, plague, trumpets blowing, earthquakes, horsemen of varying hues and the final blow to humanity is when people start asking, ‘So […]

Mr. Crankypants, that’s Don. But why?

Holy Beat Me With A Happy Stick, Batman. I must be cranky or something ‘cuz I’m feeling mighty critical these days. ‘Pour quoi, Donuldo?? you are probably asking yourself right about now. And, that’s the thing. I don’t know why. I’ve tried to figure it out. All I know is some things have made my […]

When you write, ‘spect to git read

One of the cool things about working in the community news business folk seek you out. Most of the time it is for some of the neat things they or their loved ones have accomplished. Sometimes they will let me know when some big wheel gets a sweetheart deal on property, then turns around and […]

You can find me ‘down by the river?

Sometimes I wish I would have listened to Ma Rush more than I did. Wish I would have inherited her financial smarts rather than those of Pops Rush. Money burned a hole in Dad’s pockets. Actually, it’d be cool if money made it to my pocket to burn some holes. As it is, what is […]

From the Archives

While Don ponders Life’s great mysteries he didn’t write a column this week. So, while he gets in-touch with his inner grouch, here one from the archives, October 2010. And, hey whatever happened to the bedbug problem? * * * For a while now I’ve been reading about the increase of ‘undesirables? in the states […]

What does a bear do in the woods?

While I am still gathering information on the good ol? boy network in Orion Township, real estate shenanigans and local residents getting thrown under the bus by the their elected officials, let’s go back in time. In 2004 I wrote this gem of a column. Enjoy. — Don * * * Let me start out […]

What does a bear do in the woods?

While I am still gathering information on the good ol? boy network in Orion Township, real estate shenanigans and local residents getting thrown under the bus by the their elected officials, let’s go back in time. In 2004 I wrote this gem of a column. Enjoy. — Don * * * Let me start out […]

New group hopes to involve ‘everybody?

Orion Township resident Gigi Kreutzer had been looking for something to allow her and her daughter Willow to do something good in the community. About a year ago, by chance, she met Crystal Mosher — from Woman’s Life Insurance Society of Port Huron. Through that chance meeting and follow up meetings the two were able […]

Na-hay, Boo-Boo . . .

Like Yogi, son Shamus, 14, is smarter than the average bear. However, I am afraid to say, my oldest male cub has picked up at least one of Papa Bear’s bad habits — he likes to ‘collect? stuff other folks have discarded. I think he enjoys looking for things he can fix, salvage or sell. […]

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