Voters head to the polls on Aug. 2 to decide on a $75 million school bond proposal. The Clarkston News is touring the school district to see where and why it is needed. Wrapping up a series, we check out Clarkston Junior High. BY TREVOR KEISER Clarkston News Staff Writer If the $75 million bond […]
Independence Township looks to be in good shape for 2017, according to a recent budget review. “It looks like our revenue for 2017 is projected to be right around $6 million, our operating expenses are going to be $5.9 million, which would leave us with about $100,000 surplus,” Supervisor Pat Kittle said at the July […]
According to a 2016 Michigan Education Finance Study, Clarkston Community Schools was 1 of 58 schools in the state ranked “Notably Successful.” “Our district achieves at a high level and we are efficient with our expenditures,” said Clarkston Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock. To achieve the Notably Succesful label, Clarkston met the Above Average and High […]
Independence Township residents and business owners will see an increase in their sewer rates beginning in the next billing cycle on July 16, according to Department of Public Works Director Dave McKee. Customers will see approximately $3.29 per REU (Residential Equivalent Unit) per quarter or $1.10 more per month. “We’re not increasing any of our […]
The $75 million school bond is vitally important for the school district, said Clarkston School Board President Steve Hyer. “We absolutely need to address our safety and security needs, technology infrastructure, and building/site/mechanical improvements,” Hyer said. “We understand we are operating our community schools and it is our duty as a board of education to […]
Voters head to the polls on Aug. 2 to decide on a $75 million school bond proposal. The Clarkston News is touring the school district to see where and why it is needed. In the third of a series, we check out Springfield Plains Elementary. BY TREVOR KEISER Clarkston News Staff Writer Springfield Plains Elementary […]
Township taxpayers will get a grace period for payments received late, but postmarked “on-time.” “There are always better ways to do things and I always try to seek that out from others,” said Independence Township Treasurer Paul Brown. “While there is going to be a little more work in my office to coordinate to make […]
For Henry Woloson of Independence Township, the school district’s campaign to pass its $75 million bond proposal has been inadequate and misleading. “In the recent brochure issued by the school district, there were four references that there would be ‘NO TAX RATE INCREASE.’ Their caps not mine,” Woloson said. “The brochure does not contain the […]
A couple weeks ago my Facebook feed was lighting up with the “#Brexit” and a lot of my friends were talking about the vote which took place on June 23, 2016. I’ll admit I had no idea what they were talking about and why this event was so important. For those not in the know, […]
Voters head to the polls on Aug. 2 to decide on a $75 million school bond proposal. The Clarkston News is touring the school district to see where. what and why it is needed. In the second of a series, we check out Shashabaw Middle School. If the $75 million bond passes, Sashabaw Middle School […]