Well-read students from all over Clarkston Community Schools have teamed up and are ready to rumble, academically speaking, at the first-ever District Battle of the Books, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 27, at Independence Elementary.
Two teams from each of Clarkston’s seven elementary schools will compete, including Andersonville Elementary’s The Hazardous Readers and Otherwise Known as the Sweet Readers; Bailey Lake’s Five Fantastic 5th Grade Friends and Big Green Bookers; Clarkston Elementary’s The People Who Read the Books and Dabbing Pugicorns; Independence Elementary’s Book Broncos and Brainy Bunch; North Sashabaw’s Mr. Pig and the Pugs and The Bionic Puppy Readers; Pine Knob’s Starbursts and Reading Rangers, and Springfield Plains’ The Golden Read-trievers and Reunited Radical Readers.