Battle of the Books is on

The North Sashabaw Elementary team The Bionic Puppy Readers, from left, Erica Klebba, Alison Lehigh, Scarlet Anderson, and Charley Bousho, are ready to take on readers from all over the district. Photo provided

Well-read students from all over Clarkston Community Schools have teamed up and are ready to rumble, academically speaking, at the first-ever District Battle of the Books, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 27, at Independence Elementary.
Two teams from each of Clarkston’s seven elementary schools will compete, including Andersonville Elementary’s The Hazardous Readers and Otherwise Known as the Sweet Readers; Bailey Lake’s Five Fantastic 5th Grade Friends and Big Green Bookers; Clarkston Elementary’s The People Who Read the Books and Dabbing Pugicorns; Independence Elementary’s Book Broncos and Brainy Bunch; North Sashabaw’s Mr. Pig and the Pugs and The Bionic Puppy Readers; Pine Knob’s Starbursts and Reading Rangers, and Springfield Plains’ The Golden Read-trievers and Reunited Radical Readers.


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