One day more until curtain rises on show

  BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Staff Writer Music fills the Clarkston High School Performing Arts Center as the drama club brings Les Misérables to life for audiences, Feb. 16-19. “It is a favorite for many people,” said Sam Carter. “It will mean a lot to a lot of people. It’s a show that’s […]

Winter carnival

Winter carnival

Lukas Fallot poses for a picture at the Independence Elementary School festival. Photo by Jessica Steeley Independence Elementary held their third annual Winter Carnival for students and their families, Friday, Jan. 27. The carnival included several games ranging from a cake walk to electronic basketball to fowling (knocking over bowling pins with a football), and […]

Success on stage

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Staff Writer Seventh grader Abigail Mundy took to the stage with a smile as she held onto the microphone. The music cued and she began singing “Someone Like You” by Adele in the Grade 7 Division during Clarkston Idol at Clarkston Junior High School, Jan. 20. Mundy ended the […]

Young poets speak for change

Young poets speak for change

From left, Addison Gale, 10th grader; Olivia Maday, 12th grade; and Sierra Aguilar, 10th grade, members of Voices for Change. Photo by Jessica Steeley BY JESSICA STEELEY Clarkston News Staff Writer Students get a chance to express their Voices for Change at their third annual poetry slam on Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. in the […]

JESSICA’S JOURNAL: March for freedom

Following the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States was a worldwide protest, the Women’s March, which had sister marches on all seven continents. Many of my friends, men and women, attended marches across the nation, in Washington D.C., Lansing, Seattle. I’ve seen many reactions, mostly positive, but some negative, people question why […]

Kids learn love for their hearts

Kids learn love for their hearts

American Heart Association Youth Market Director Nichole Piche with, from left, Desman Stephens, Francesca Catella, Grace Aguilar-Fernandez, Graham Fugate, and Katrina Fisheer. Photo by Jessica Steeley BY JESSICA STEELEY Clarkston News Staff Writer Pine Knob Elementary kicked off their Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser last week with a school assembly. Though Pine Knob has been […]

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: What is genuine discipleship?

Discipleship is not often a word in today’s vernacular, especially outside a Christian setting. A disciple is simply someone who follows Jesus, embracing him as Lord and Savior. In Mark’s gospel we find Jesus’ form of discipleship greatly contrasted the Pharisees.’ Jesus’ version of discipleship broke through the social barriers of his day. He compassionately […]

Student citizen honored

Student citizen honored

Ethan Malkovskii, with his teacher Beth Rogers and Principal Matthew Gifford, was honored by Clarkston Area Optimist Club as Outstanding Student Citizen for Springfield Plains Elementary. Photo by Phil Custodio BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor Ethan Malkovskii is the Clarkston Area Optimist Club’s Outstanding Student Citizen for Springfield Plains Elementary School. Each of Clarkston […]

PHIL IN THE BLANK: Not cool to exclude

I was not impressed with former Clarkston City Council member Michael Sabol’s efforts to bully Cory Johnston off city committees last Monday night, and most of City Council’s apparent agreement with him. Cory’s “I hate Clarkston” was about his oft-delayed requests for information at the time from the city manager and other officials, and other […]

Warm shivers by the river

Warm shivers by the river

Relatively warm temperatures meant mud instead of snow at Shiver by the River, Jan. 21 in Depot Park, but kids still had fun. The ice rink, maintained by Clarkston Area Optimists, still had ice in it for ice skating despite temperatures reaching the 50s. “It’s about as good ice as you could expect,” said Optimist […]