10 09 2017
Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present .
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried.
Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Supported by Marsh, to approve the Minutes. Along with Treasurer Report. All Aye, Motion Carried.
Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Haven to Amend the Historic District Commission Ordinance Version 2 with changes from may to shall and from appointed to confirmed. All No. Resolution is Defeated.
Resolution by Percival, Supported by Haven to Amend the Historic District Commission Ordinance Version 1 with changes from may to shall and from appointed to confirmed. (The members shall be nominated by any council member and confirmed by a majority vote of the legislative body serving.) Wylie, No. Resolution is Adopted.
Emergency Motion by Wylie, Supported by Haven to Amend the Agenda to change from Discussion of Parking Recommendations to Motion of Parking Recommendations. Catallo, No. Motion is Defeated. (Unanimous decision was needed)
Approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals Appointments: Motion by Percival, Supported by Wylie, ZBA Member Bill Basinger expiring 06/30/2020. All Aye, Motion Carried. Motion by Percival, Supported by Haven, ZBA Member Sharron Catallo, expiring 06/30/2019. All Aye, Catallo Abstained, Motion Carried.
Motion by Percival, Supported by Wylie, Karrie Marsh expiring 06/ 30/2020. Motion Carried. ZBA Member Scott Meyland expiring 06/30/2019. ZBA Member Margaret Decosta expiring 06/30/2019. Motion by Percival, Supported by Wylie, Scott Reynolds expiring 06/30/2019 Motion Defeated.
Motion by Percival Supported by Wylie, ZBA Alternate Richard Meyers, Expiring 06/30/2020. All Aye, Motion Carried.
Motion by Percival, Supported by Haven to postpone the Bid award for the retaining wall at 80 Robertson All Yes, Motion Carried.
Resolution by Haven, Supported by Kneisc for budget amendment for tree planting in the amount of $3,325.00 from the fund balance to 101 446 817.000. Catallo, Abstain. Resolution is Adopted.
Motion by Catallo, Supported by Marsh to set Trick or Treat time to be Tuesday, October 31, 2017 from 6 pm to 7 pm. All Aye, Motion Carried.
Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski to adjourn at 10:28 PM. All Aye, Motion Carried.
For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or