Clarkston middle schools no longer NCA members

At the Feb. 14 school board meeting, board members accepted a recommendation to withdraw membership from the North Central Association (NCA) for Clarkston Middle School and Sashabaw Middle School.
Deputy Superintendent David Reschke presented the board with the recommendation and reasons for the desire to withdraw.
‘We have made efforts to reduce the relations with the North Central Association for some time,? explained Reschke.
The withdraw will conserve money, saving the Clarkston school district an estimated $17,000 to $20,000 a year.
In a letter sent to the deputy state director of the NCA, Reschke and Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts explained that due to financial restraints and reorganization of grade levels within the district, the withdraw is best for current conditions.
Currently, Sashabaw Middle School is reconfiguring to house grades six and seven. The changes include: grade levels, curriculum and instruction, in hope to better prepare students for their high school experience.
The NCA accreditation is not necessary for these grades ? the school board did not mention any plans to regain accreditation for grades six through seven in the future.
Due to the recongifuring of schools, the letter also stated the wish to form a new membership in the association for Clarkston Junior High School, which will house grades eight and nine next year.