Emergency protocol adopted

Those suffering life-threatening injuries in Springfield Township can now be transported to emergency facilities by the fire department when no other options exist.
The Springfield Township Board approved protocol to allow emergency transport of seriously injured people under certain conditions.
According to the final decision, emergency transport is allowed under the following conditions:
‘No transport service is available from a private ambulance service or adjacent municipal service within a time frame that is reasonable based on the patient’s condition.
‘Attempts must be made to obtain ambulance service from at least two private or adjacent municipal services.
‘The patient’s condition is life threatening (priority one) and delay could present significant risk to the patient and the transport has a reasonable probability of saving the patient’s life.
‘Township transport will be at Basic Life Support level in accordance with state licensing and an attempt will be made to create an intercept from an Advanced Life Support unit.
‘All patients will be transported to Genesys Health Park until a closer facility that can accept emergency ambulance patients is available.
‘The highest ranking officer of the fire department on scene will make the decision to transport after consulting a doctor at Genesys.
As of now no billing plan is set, but the township will assist any intercepting ALS Agency who wishes to bill a transported patient.
In other related news, the board agreed to let the architects design the expansion of Fire station 2 located on Davisburg Road and Dixie Highway to add room that could accommodate an Oakland County Sheriff’s substation.
According to Township Clerk Nancy Strole, the adjustment will add 1,000?1,200 feet to the future fire station.
‘Now is the time to expand the plan. We’re still exploring if that will happen. The space will be put to good use whether its used by the fire department or the police,? said Strole.
No plans to move the sheriff station are set as of yet, the issue is still being looked at.