Dear Editor,
So we had an election where ballots were sent to the biggest union city in the state, with the biggest union hall in the state of Michigan to count ballots.
What could possibly go wrong?
Meanwhile, our governor has issued new orders, despite being told by the Michigan Supreme Court she cannot. Real problems here.
Robert Gordon, head of the Department of Health, is not a doctor but a Harvard lawyer. Appointed head of the DNR, or whatever it’s called now, and has no background in environmental issues. Appointed by the Governor as head of dam safety, think Clarkston Millpond, is a Saginaw pediatrician.
What could possibly go wrong?
Next, expect Great Lakes freighters to be shut down as the propellers kill fish. Golf will be restricted because long drives kill robins in flight. After all, robins are the state bird.
It’s for your own good.
Rob Namowicz