Lighthouse seeing more in need this year

Problems experienced by low-income families often become worse when winter hits.
Lighthouse Emergency Services ? Clarkston, who many refer to as Lighthouse North, is seeing firsthand those increased problems. Through their door walk many area residents struggling to pay utilities and feed their families as another Michigan winter bares down.
Recently, LES hosted the Lighthouse Holiday Store for registered families who could shop for presents for the holidays. The store, run by about 50 volunteers, was filled with new donated toys and clothing. About 300 families and roughly 1,000 children were able to be receive gifts for the holidays.
In addition to those numbers helped by the store, LES manager Connie Stapleton said about another 100 low-income families were adopted out for aid.
‘We’re seeing a different face. It’s the people who used to live comfortably. People are struggling with the job cuts,? said Stapleton.
‘The utility bills are going up and jobs are going down. We have had an increase of 45 ? 50 percent in requests just as monetary donations are down 40 percent this year. Food donations are down as well, we didn’t receive as much as in past years,? said Stapleton.
With Christmas approaching and a long winter to follow Stapleton said money is the biggest thing needed to help the low-income families.
‘We need money. I know it sounds bad, but that’s what we need. I can buy food for the food bank or pay for utilities with it. Money cures a lot of woes. I can still accept food, but I can’t tell you how many requests for gas money we’ve had. We don’t have money for that.?
While Stapleton expressed concern over the trend, she acknowledged the great support LES has received over the past 16 years in Clarkston.
‘Oakland County is very generous when it comes to helping the non-profits, but I think people are so uncertain of the upcoming year. They have to take care of themselves first,? said Stapleton.
Despite the struggle to find funds in a difficult year for low-income families in Michigan, Stapleton pointed out one bright spot.
‘Volunteers are the backbone of any non-profit organization. LES has been in Clarkston for 16 years and without the volunteers we couldn’t open our doors,? said Stapleton. ‘Their contributions are priceless.?
LES is a subsidiary of Lighthouse of Oakland County and responds to families and seniors who have an immediate need for food, shelter, prescriptions, transportation, temporary shelter and other needs.
To find out how you can volunteer or make a donation contact Connie Stapleton at 248-620-6116.