Long-term safety issue in our community

Dear Editor,
I am writing in the hope of achieving both visibility and action regarding a long-term safety issue in our community.
My neighbors and I are fortunate to live across the street from Springfield Plains Elementary, making walking and biking to school accessible. Unfortunately, there is not clear school zone signage, a crosswalk, or crossing guard to ensure student safety for the morning drop-up or afternoon pick-up.
The construction on I-75 has resulted in a significant increase in traffic volume, as Holcomb Road has become a detour.
After many years of collective advocacy to multiple school administrators, the transportation department, and local law enforcement, the issue remains unresolved and worse than ever.
While a plan for a crosswalk was established prior to the pandemic, no clear plan has been shared with parents or the community, and no interim plan has been established.
It is long overdue for Clarkston Community Schools to take ownership of this issue by providing transparency in long-term planning, as well as an immediate short-term solution to keep students and their families safe.
In Gratitude,

Sandra Dougherty
Springfield Township

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