Professional Santa coming to town

Children worried about the chance of coal being in their stocking Christmas morning might want to visit the Church of the Resurrection on Dec. 4.
Professional Emmy Award winning Santa Claus Reverend Joseph Marquis will be on hand performing his 25-minute presentation and explanation of how modern day Santa Claus evolved from St. Nicholas.
‘The point of the presentation is despite whatever name he goes by, his spirit is the same? it’s also a process of reclaiming part of the church holiday,? said Marquis.
Marquis plans to tell stories about St. Nicholas key to the creation of modern day Santa Claus in the United States.
‘I take the kids through a snapshot of St. Nicholas and his life. Like when he put bags of gold coins in the window at night for a father of three girls who lacked a dowry to be married,? said Marquis, who noted it was done under the cover of night for anonymity.
‘Parents like St. Nicholas because they realize this was a real historic figure? I’ve never heard a complaint in 20 years of doing St. Nicholas,? said Marquis.
Through the presentation, Marquis shows how Santa’s suit evolved. For example, how the bishop’s miter changed into Santa’s hat and how a staff presented the model for candy canes.
Marquis stressed the presentation does not inhibit children from believing in Santa Claus.
‘It doesn’t destroy belief in Santa, it actually increases it by simply contextualizing it in the framework of a historical figure,? said Marquis. ‘I don’t burst any bubbles’It boils down to Santa Claus as just an extreme makeover.?
The role of Santa Claus started for Marquis about 35 years ago when he was in between jobs as a graphic designer and illustrator. Being married and enjoying children helped fuel his desire to portray Santa Claus.
‘Many people are totally ignorant of the historic figure. I thought it was important people have a better appreciation of what he represented,? said Marquis. ‘I portray a guy who was noted 1,700 years ago. He was known for generosity to the poor.?
In preparing for over three decades as Santa Claus and St. Nicholas, Marquis trained professionally at an international outfit which prepared him to talk to kids, answer tough questions, work with a costume and makeup, and understand the history of the person.
‘It’s rewarding work and opens a lot of doors you’d never expect’I’ve got red and green corpuscles. It gets into your blood,? said Marquis.
Marquis? resume includes a long list of professional experiences including: J.L. Hudson’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for about 15 years, Detroit Renaissance Thanksgiving Day Parade, Michigan’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland, national and local television, radio and print work. Among many other awards, he won an Emmy from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for portraying Santa in a holiday musical television on WXYZ-TV/ABC, Detroit.
Currently, Marquis serves as Executive Director of the International Santa Claus Institute and is writing a book geared for adults filled with stories of hope, called ‘What Santa Really Sees.? He also has a DVD in the works for kids to see his St. Nicholas presentation.
Deacon Joseph Marquis of Detroit is ordained in the Byzantine Rite, which he described as the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church. He works as a hospice chaplain for St. John Health System in Metro Detroit. He continues to perform as both Santa Claus and St. Nicholas.
The performance begins after the 10 a.m. service at the Church of the Resurrection on Dec. 4. There is no admission fee and the public is welcome. The Church of the Resurrection is located at 6490 Clarkston Road.