City of the Village of Clarkston
Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall
375 Depot Road
Clarkston, Michigan 48346
City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
09 14 2020 Final Minutes
9/14/2020 – Minutes
Call to Order By Mayor Haven @ 7:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wiley – Present. Casey- Absent
Approval of Agenda – Motion Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Avery to Approve the Agenda as presented. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey- Absent. Motion Carried.
Public Comments: by Chet Pardee, Cory Johnston and Michael Fetzer.
City Manager Report
Acceptance of The Consent Agenda As Presented – Motion Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Luginski to approval the Consent Agenda as presented. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey- Absent. Motion Carried
Old Business
Resolution: Oakland Macomb Interceptor Motioned by Kneisc Seconded by Bonser to 1.) Instruct the City Manager, City Treasurer and City Auditor to restructure the existing self-funded City Hall Construction Fund from 66.6% Water Fund/33.3% Sewer Fund to 100% Water Fund. 2.) Instruct the City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Engineer and City Assessor to establish a city-wide Special Assessment District for the $98,921.06 cost of the OMID repair, following the processes and required approvals specified in City Ordinance #32 Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey- Absent Motion Carried.
Discussion: Short-Term Rentals It was discussed to refer back to Planning Commission recommendations and bring back to the next meeting to vote on whether or not to adopt the recommendations (with ordinance) or ban Short-Term Rentals.
Discussion: Council Agenda Setting Procedure
Discussion: DNR Agreement
Discussion: Middle Lake Access from White Lake Road
After much discussion and thoughts/ideas on deterring access a Proposal will be brought back to Council in a future meeting.
New Business
Resolution: Parking Lot Sealcoating
Motioned by Luginski Seconded by Bonser to authorize the City Manager to pay a not-to-exceed amount of $11,200.00 to Doug’s Sealcoat with an additional contingency allowance of up to $560.00 to patch, crack-fill, sealcoat and restripe the City’s three parking lots, to be funded by the Parking Kiosk Fund (231-000-001.00) designated for road, sidewalk, and parking lot maintenance. Haven, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Avery – No. Casey- Absent. Resolution Adopted.
Discussion: Match-On-Main Agreement
Motion by Wylie Seconded by Bonser to change the Discussion to a Resolution. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey – Absent. Motion Carried.
Motion by Wylie Seconded by Bonser to Approve the Match-on-Main Grant Agreement. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey – Absent. Resolution Adopted.
Motion: SEMCOG Delegate
Motion by Luginski Seconded by Bonser to name Al Avery the City’s SEMCOG Delegate. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey – Absent. Motion Carried.
Motion: Annual Tootsie Roll Drive
Motioned by Luginski Seconded by Wylie to approve the Annual Tootsie Roll Drive at the intersection of Washington and Main Friday October 9th and Saturday October 10th, 2020 from 9am to 6pm.
Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey – Absent Motion Carried.
Motion by Luginski Seconded by Wylie to Adjourn at 10:00 pm.
Haven, Avery, Bonser, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Casey – Absent Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jennifer Speagle, City Clerk.