Public Notice: City of the Village of Clarkston, regular meeting minutes April 22, 2024

City of the Village of Clarkston

Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall

375 Depot Road

Clarkston, Michigan 48346

4.22.2024 City Council Regular Final Meeting Minutes

Call To Order

Call To Order The regular session meeting of the City of the Village of Clarkston City Council was called to

order by Mayor Wylie at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Wylie led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Council Members Present: Sue Wylie, Mayor, Laura Rodgers, Mayor Pro Tem, Gary Casey, Amanda

Forte, Mark Lamphier, Ted Quisenberry, and Peg Roth.

Council Members Absent: None

Others Present: Jonathan Smith, City Manager, Karen A. DeLorge, City Clerk.

Others Absent: Tom Ryan, City Attorney, Oakland County Sheriff Sergeant John Ashley.

Approval of Agenda – Motion

Motioned by Forte, supported by Rodgers, to approve the agenda as presented – All Ayes.

Motion Carried: 7-0

Public Comments

Peg Roth – Spoke.


Mayor Wylie reminded everyone of the following:

a. April 23rd CIDL Book Sale

b. April 27th Oakland County No-Haz Collection Event

c. May 8th Clarkston Community Awards Breakfast

d. May 11th Angels’ Place Race

Sheriff Report for March 2024


City Manager Report 4.22.2024

Reviewed by Mayor Wylie.

The City Manager Report provided the following updates:

  • Status of Sidewalk Repair and Replacements
  • Buffalo Parking Space Marking
  • Crosswalk Painting
  • Snowplow Grass Damage
  • Street Light Repairs

Motion: Acceptance of Consent Agenda as Presented 4.22.2024

Consent Agenda has been amended by Mayor Wylie to make the following change: To remove from Tom

Ryan’s Invoice#11112 line item 3/28/2024 Preparation of first draft of HDC ordinance amendment for civil

infraction penalties. $142.50. Motioned by Roth, supported by Forte, to approve the amended consent

agenda as presented – All Ayes,

Motion Carried 7-0

Unfinished Business:

a. First Reading: Proposed Ordinance Changes to enable our Building & Code Enforcement officials to

issue citations (with input from T. Ryan) TABLED due to Tom Ryan being absent.

New Business:

a. Discussion: 1 Quarter Activity Report from the Historic District Commission. Presented by Dr. Michael

Moon of the HDC.

b. Resolution: Be it resolved by Forte, supported by Casey that the City of the Village of Clarkston hereby

authorizes the City Manager to contract with Doug’s Sealcoating to clean, crack-fill, sealcoat and restripe

the City’s Washington & Main and Depot Road parking lots at a not-to-exceed cost of $11,000, to be funded

by the City’s Parking Fund (231-000-001.000) designated for road, sidewalk and parking lot maintenance.

Roll Call Vote: All Ayes – Casey, Forte, Lamphier, Quisenberry, Rodgers, Roth and Wylie

Resolution is Adopted 7-0

c. Resolution: Proposal to Purchase and Install “See-Me Flags” at the Depot Road & Main Street

Crosswalk. TABLED by Council.

d. Resolution: Be it resolved by Forte, supported by Roth that the City of the Village of Clarkston hereby

authorizes the City Manager to obtain additional estimates for the repair of the leaking shutoff valve in the

City Hall utility closet and then select the best contractor with a not-to-exceed cost of $1,000.00, to be

funded by the Village Hall Building Maintenance budget (101-265-931.000). Roll Call Vote: All Ayes –

Casey, Forte, Lamphier, Quisenberry, Rodgers, Roth and Wylie

Resolution is Adopted 7-0


Motion by Forte, supported by Roth to adjourn the regular City Council Meeting at 8:27 p.m. – Vote – All


Motion Carried 7-0

Respectfully Submitted by Karen DeLorge, City Clerk.

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