City of the Village of Clarkston
Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall
375 Depot Road
Clarkston, Michigan 48346
City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
08 24 2020 Final Minutes
1. Call to Order By Mayor Haven @ 7.02pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call Mayor Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Present
4. Approval of Agenda -Motion by Wylie Second by Casey to approve the Agenda as presented. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Motion Carried
5. Public Comments:
6. FYI:
7. City Manager Report
8. Acceptance of the Consent Agenda as Presented –Motion by Wylie Second by Avery to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes Motion Carried.
9. Old Business
9.a. Presentation: Oakland Macomb Interceptor Presentation by Independence Township DPW Director Dave McKee regarding the Oakland-Macomb Interceptor Drain (OMID) Extension and Improvement Plan.
9.b. Discussion: Short-Term Rentals Per the Memorandum from City Atty Tom Ryan sighting Reaume v Township of Spring Lake it is of his opinion that Short-term rentals are not allowed in R-1 Zones. Ed Bonser asked when can presentation be brought to Council for Short term rental consideration. Wiley and Luginski stated that it should be sent to Planning Commission first. Al Avery stated that Short Term Rental should be sent to Planning Commission with some direction from Council and asked how do we enforce the fact that Short Term Rentals are not allowed at this time. City Atty Tom Ryan suggested that Carlisle Wortman be brought in when discussing Short Term Rentals
9.c. Resolution: City Sign Project Funding Motion by Haven Second by Luginski to Authorize the City Manager to contract with ASI Signage to fabricate and install the previously approved Welcome, Directional and Wayfinding signage in the City at a cost of $32,758 to be paid from the City General Fund. (Surplus balance of two Special Assessment Districts closed last year)
Haven, Bonser, Casey, Luginski – Yes. Avery, Kneisc, Wylie – Resolution is adopted.
10. New Business
10.a. Motion: Andrew Herrmann Eagle Scout Project Motion by Haven Second by Wiley to allow Andrew Herrmann from Boy Scout Troop 189 to install Bat Houses int Depot Park for his Eagle Project. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes Motion Carried
10.b. Discussion: Plan for Returning to In-Person Meetings
Tom Ryan offered to provide to the City Manager a contract at a small Municipality currently holding hybrid meetings (In-Person and Online)
10.c. Discussion: Council Agenda Setting Procedure
After Discussion on how and who sets and approves what is placed on the Council Meeting Agenda’s, Councilwoman Sue Wiley and Clerk Jennifer Speagle have volunteered to research comparable communities and build an Agenda Setting Procedure.
10.d. Motion: Request Planning Commission to Research a Social District
Motion By Wylie Second by Bonser to establish a Committee of 1PC Member (Rich Little) and 1-2 Council Members (Sue Wylie and Jason Kneisc) to Study a Social District by conducting interviews with each Business owner to gauge willingness to participate and get feedback on business value and acceptance. Understand and document the steps, level of effort and time duration necessary to set up a Social District. The Committee will bring back their findings to Council and let them decide on whether or not to have pursue Social District. Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes Motion Carried
10.e. Resolution: White Lake Rd Invasive Species Sign Motion by Wylie Second by Casey to authorize the City Manager to pay IZone Imaging a not-to-exceed amount of $900.00 to manufacture a ship one (1) 24″ x 36″ CHPL sign to be funded by the Park Materials account (101-265-728.000)Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Yes. Resolution is Adopted.
11. Adjourn Motion by Casey Second by Bonser to adjourn at 8:57pm Haven, Avery, Bonser, Casey, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie – Motion Carries
Respectfully Submitted by
Jennifer Speagle, City Clerk.