A column by Rep. Andrea Schroeder
We are a month into Michigan’s ‘stay home’ orders to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Reports on the declining number of daily positive cases are encouraging, but everyone recognizes we still have a long way to go until things return to “normal” — whatever that will look like. Our greatest defense against this virus has been our willingness to accept some personal inconvenience for the benefit of all. But it’s harder to sustain that compliance when the governor has taken some arbitrary and inconsistent actions, leading to frustration and mistrust from a public that has grown tired of isolating in their homes.
We need a better strategy to move forward, one that balances public safety and the necessary business economy so people can safely work and provide for their families. This is not an “either/or” choice, it can be a “both.” I made a career in strategic planning, and I know that the best plans base all action on specific metrics from expert sources. I support adopting a plan that protects people’s health, includes a risk-based regional approach that utilizes CISA infrastructure-sustaining guidelines, and operates in a transparent manner to restore public trust.
This week, House Republicans released our Comeback Roadmap, a framework for how we could safely and methodically restore our economy while maintaining a priority on the health and welfare of the public. The plan requires input from experts in the fields of health care, epidemiology, economics, and industry, as well as federal agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and Homeland Security/CISA. Within the plan are specific metrics that must be met for any COVID-19 related restrictions to be lifted.
The plan also recognizes the regional differences in both the spread of the disease and the ability of different areas to accommodate healthcare needs. Using the best data available, a designated task force would evaluate the ongoing risk assessment and recommend policy revisions accordingly.
Perhaps most importantly, this strategy allows for immediate action on our current crisis as well as developing the framework to help contain a second spike if this virus proves to be seasonal this coming fall.
Everyone agrees that keeping people healthy is our top priority. Creating an economic recovery plan will provide a path forward as we stabilize from the initial crisis.
I appreciate your thoughts and ideas on how we can work together to ensure Michigan’s prosperity in a world changed by COVID-19.
(Rep. Andrea Schroeder is from Oakland County’s Independence Township.)