Sirens will be added near Clarkston/M-24

Additional tornado warning sirens are as good as on their way to Orion after action last week by the township board.
The board supported, in concept, the placement of two additional warning sirens along Clarkston Road, directing a subcommittee of Supervisor Jerry Dywasuk, Trustee John Garlicki, Fire Chief Jeff Key and resident Ed Peters to meet with Oakland County officials regarding the matter.
The additional sirens would likely be placed in fringe areas, one on each side of M-24. The committee will also contact Oakland Township, hoping to share the cost of a siren along the township border.
They are to report back to the board (with cost estimates) within 30 days, at which point a determination on funding is expected.
Some board members also suggested moving current siren locations slightly to offer the most complete coverage, but no specific instructions were given to the committee on that topic.