Thirteen candidates vie for four trustee seats on Independence Twp. Board of Trustees

By Megan Kelley
Clarkston News Editor
Thirteen candidates are running to be trustees on the Independence Township Board of Trustees in the Aug. 6 Primary Election.
Incumbent trustees Sam Moraco, Terri Nallamothu, Ron Ritchie and Jim Tedder along with newcomers Ryan Cosper, Emiralda Gojcaj, David Hayward, Tina Holland, Mark Petterson, Bruce Quigley, Tasha Schurgin, Jesica Spencer and Linda Ybarra-Bozzone are the thirteen candidates running for the four open seats.
Of the 13 candidates, there are no Democrats running – so, the top four vote-getters will move on to the general election on Nov. 5 where they will run unopposed.
There are four candidates running for supervisor, two for clerk and two for treasurer. Please see next week’s issue of The Clarkston News for information on those eight candidates.
To help introduce the Independence Township trustee candidates to the community, the candidates were asked to give some background information and answer three questions.
The candidates’ responses, listed alphabetically, are:

Ryan Cosper

Occupation: Registered Nurse
Political party: Republican
Political experience: None
Community involvement: Supporting local small businesses, going to numerous parks and rec events.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Over development of areas not on main corridors. I would keep the small-town feel. Keep green spaces intact. Encourage small business opportunities.
Too many refuse companies servicing our neighborhoods with large trucks multiple times per week.
Need for more oversight for large contractor developments.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Serve as a representative of the community. Residents’ voices matter, and their concerns reflect the needs and aspirations of the people.
Informed Decision-Making: Residents often have valuable insights and firsthand experiences to local issues.
Trust and Accountability: Engaging with residents fosters trust.
Community Well-Being: Policies and decisions impact residents directly.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Understanding: Empathy allows board members to put themselves in residents’ shoes, grasping their concerns, needs, and emotions.
Active Listening: Empathetic leaders actively listen to residents, seeking to understand their perspectives.
Compassion: Compassionate board members genuinely care about the well-being of residents.
Conflict Resolution: Empathy aids in resolving conflicts.

Emiralda Gojcaj

Occupation: Manager of Legal Operations/Paralegal
Political party: Republican
Political experience: None
Community involvement: Community Schools Legislative Advocacy

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Balancing commercial and residential development is essential to ensure our roads can handle increased traffic. Key issues for Independence Township include managing growth, enhancing transparency, and securing funding for first responders to address rising population density. Tackling these challenges is crucial for maintaining community safety and quality of life.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Listening to residents and addressing their concerns is paramount. It ensures that decisions reflect the community’s needs and values, fostering trust and transparency. Engaging with residents provides valuable insights, leading to more informed and effective policies. Prioritizing their input strengthens community bonds and enhances the quality of life for all.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
With over 15 years as a business owner and restaurateur, followed by my role as a Legal Operations Manager and Paralegal at a law firm, I have strong leadership and organizational skills. My diverse cultural background and multicultural perspective will contribute to more inclusive and informed decision-making for our community.

David Hayward

Occupation: Field Engineer AT&T
Political party: Republican
Political experience: None
Community involvement: 15+ Years as a volunteer from coaching to my HOA and facilitating an anxiety & depression class and more.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
I believe there are two issues that are tied together. Lack of resident representation and development. These two are tied together because if we had true representation of the residents we wouldn’t have the developments we have seen most recently.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Listening is the most important thing I will do as a trustee. My job is to represent the people and I can’t do that without listening to their needs and desires. I will be a true public servant.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Honesty. I will be honest and transparent because It’s important to know why I support the things I believe in and reasons for my decisions. My yes means yes, and my no means no. Honesty is the only way to serve the residents.

Tina Holland

Republican candidate Tina Holland did not respond.

Sam Moraco

Occupation: Builder/remodeler
Political party: Republican
Political experience: 2 years on township board, 60 years common sense
Community involvement: Preservation Clarkston founder, Chamber of commerce, past planning commission 18 years. CCS Construction tech program volunteer.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Lack of leadership! Lack of enforcement! Poor planning! Density, traffic and over development while allowing the visual beauty of the township to deteriorate. Residential roads need repairs and the township needs to do more to make that more affordable to the residents.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
It’s the most important. Current board members have voted against allowing public hearings. The board has continually ignored residents’ input. That’s what got me involved in the first place.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Honesty. Speaking for the residents. Not allowing the lies to be presented without rebuttal. Decades of experience in planning. Fighting for the people. Not interested in position as much as putting protections in place for the future before the township’s character is destroyed.

Terri Nallamothu

Occupation: Independence Township Trustee
Political party: Republican
Political experience: Vice-Chair Oakland County Republican Party (current), Township Trustee, District Liaison for a State Rep.
Community involvement: Principled Youth Foundation Board Member, McLaren Oakland Foundation Board Member, Previous Board Member Choices Detroit Charity, Volunteered Lighthouse of Oakland County, volunteered Grace Centers of Hope. Chaired auctions and events for many local charities. Volunteered Taste of Clarkston, volunteered Meals on Wheels, Sponsored Bucks for Buses, Township Baseball teams, Teddy Bear Picnic, Turkey Shoot and Veterans Luncheon.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Traffic is getting to be an issue. I would still love to work on ways to widen the bridge over I-75 on Sashabaw, which would take some creative funding options for sure, but it doesn’t mean that since we can’t fund it at this time, we should keep looking.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Effective communication with residents is paramount to me, which is why I participate in local fundraisers and events. These events provide opportunities to discuss community issues that have significant impact. Many of these issues are resolved through collaborative efforts behind the scenes, before they are brought to the public forum.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
My dedication to public service is driven by a strong commitment to conservative values and a profound passion for ensuring election integrity, as demonstrated by my active role on the Elections Committee. I prioritize attendance at meetings, including board, election committee, viewing this as a fundamental aspect of my responsibilities.

Mark Petterson

Occupation: 40-year Asphalt Operating Engineer; Semi Retired
Political party: Republican
Political experience: Former Township Board Member 2008-2012; Member of 3 Lake Boards – Waumegah, Oakland, and Clarkston Mill Pond; Safety Path Member Implementing Sashabaw and Clintonville Safety Paths; Clarkston Independence Parade Committee; Committee to Lower Consultant Pricing
Community involvement: US Marine Corps Veteran; Former Vice President of Operations for Clarkston Chiefs Football and Cheer; Former President for Clarkston Chiefs Football and Cheer; Former Vice President for the Northern Youth Football League; Member of Knights of Columbus

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Inflation; Infrastructure upgrade costs; Budget amendments constantly recurring; Not looking far enough into the future; Union employee negotiations; Nepotism; PFAS and arsenic in our drinking water

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Being a 60-year resident, I understand the need for each resident to have a voice in their community, and to assure them they will have equal and fair consideration of their concerns. We are here to help solve their issues.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Honesty; integrity; a vast knowledge of the history of the township, and a vision of how to move forward while keeping its small-town appeal; extensive knowledge of RCOC and our road system, to include policies; intimate knowledge of every township department.

Bruce Quigley

Occupation: Construction Field Superintendent
Political party: Republican
Political experience: Ran in Primary 2012
Community involvement: I’ve been a resident here over 50 years, I’ve been involved in youth groups, Boy Scout Asst leader. Worked on misc. church building projects.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
I’d say divisiveness in our board, nothing positive comes out of internal feuds. Fiscal responsibility, budgets must be handled properly. Controlled growth for our infrastructure, no more cluster housing. Lack of communication with the residents, egos are strong. None of these issues can be dealt properly if first isn’t handled.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
As a public servant that is probably the most important thing. The people elect the board to represent them and work on issues and concerns brought by them. How can they properly represent without listening? Seems egos and bragging about how many committees they are on is common these days.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
I am not a follower. I am a problem solver. I don’t always make the popular decision but sometimes making the right choice isn’t popular. Looking at the issues, identifying the problem, working at not only solving that problem but, working on ways to prevent it again.

Ron Ritchie

Occupation: Account Manager
Political party: Republican
Political experience: Current Township Trustee
Community involvement: Member of the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce. Member of the Township Planning Commission, Elections Commission, Financial Audit Committee, Safety Path Committee and Township Hourly Employee Benefit Committee.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Leadership is the most important issue in Independence Township this election cycle! Voters need to assess candidates for their experience and ability to provide the needed stewardship to oversee township operations and employees, while also providing a vision to maintain the unique character of our township.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Trustees must have the ability to listen to residents, both in attendance at the meetings and those they communicate with to formulate their decisions in what is best for our township. The ability to articulate their position in an open and inclusive manner in why they cast a vote.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Experience!! Experience in managing a local manufacturing business along with its many employees. My 28 years of living in this township has allowed my steady demeanor to access situations and issues to provide thoughtful solutions and decision making that is needed to maintain character and financial stability of Independence Township.

Tasha Schurgin

Occupation: Former small business owner, homeschooling mom, health and wellness advocate.
Political party: Republican
Political experience: My political experience is based on advocating and lobbying for parental rights, health and wellness and education. As an advocate I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience as to how our government operates.
Community involvement: I am on the Residential Open Spaces Advisory Committee for Independence Township and I volunteer at the Clarkston Family Farm.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
We need stronger leadership- our elected officials work for us, and they need to have our best interest at heart with every decision they make. Follow up and follow through is needed, and listening to our residents is vital.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
It is absolutely necessary that elected officials listen to the residents, after all, they represent the citizens of the community. In addition, they cannot just simply listen- once elected officials understand the situation it’s imperative that they follow up with practical solutions to better our community and support our citizens.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
As a former business owner, with a large staff, I have learned how to be an effective leader. I believe that my genuine concern for our township, coupled with my listening and problem solving skills give me a unique skill set that will help bridge the gap we are experiencing.

Jesica Spencer

Occupation: Real Estate Broker
Political party: Republican
Political experience: None. Until now I have only been observing.
Community involvement: I am involved in our community every single day. Sometimes it looks like helping a family move to our area or using my real estate office to collect shoes for families in need. Annually my community involvement is throwing free community events like the Easter Egg Hunt in depot park and welcoming thousands of people for a Woodstock Era Tribute Band called the Magic Bus. Daily I hear “I see you everywhere!” that being said, I am easy to spot as I drive around Independence Township in my hot pink Tesla. I love being involved in our community.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
We are seeing exponential growth and development, my job as a trustee is to ensure that growth is sustainable while protecting the heart of our small-town. We need to be deliberate in involving collaboration with residents to ensure that any new projects align with the community’s values and long-term vision.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
By fostering a more connected and informed community, we can work together to tackle the challenges facing Independence Township. It is the job of a trustee is to be a mirror of the community not to pursue their individual ideas but to reflect the will of the people they represent.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Financial management, policy making, land use and zoning, strategic planning, public health and safety.

Jim Tedder

Occupation: Account Manager, Stakeholder Relations, ITC Holdings Corp. and Owner, Jim Tedder Productions
Political party: Republican
Political experience: Township Trustee, 2018 and 2023 to Present; State Representative, Michigan House of Representatives, 2015 through 2018.
Community involvement: President, Rotary Club of Clarkston; Board of Directors, Clarkston Foundation for Public Education; Board of Directors, Holy Cross Services; Member, Greater Oakland Republican Club; Member, North Oakland Republican Club; former Clarkston wrestling coach and Cubmaster.

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Leadership and Vision: the board should not be politicized. Transparency and Trust: I have been proud to model transparency, accessibility, and trust. Balanced Development: we must honor our rural heritage while welcoming responsible development. Serving An Aging Community: the board must ensure that township services benefit all populations.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
As a board member, listening to township residents is job number one. This extends beyond the board meeting. I am proud to be active in the community and enjoy opportunities to gather regular input from residents on how the board may serve them better.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
I bring a steady, thoughtful and experienced leadership to the board. Since being appointed by a unanimous vote last November, I have fostered productive discussions with other board members, focused on solving real issues. I strive to model board meeting decorum that township residents are deserving of.

Linda Ybarra-Bozzone

Occupation: None Listed
Political party: Republican
Political experience: None Listed
Community involvement: None Listed

What do you consider the most important issue(s) facing Independence Township?
Current board has breached the public trust. Current audit showed major reconciliation deficiencies in the treasure and clerk’s office and too many back room deals that have affected the integrity of our community. My goal is to focus and correct these during my first six months.

As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
My intention is to represent the will, and the interests of my constituents. Residents deserve to be heard and their concerns addressed. I will have an open-door policy, so that residents are able to communicate their needs and concerns. I promise to respond to their concerns on a timely basis.

What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
I am disciplined, resolute, compassionate and fair with attention to detail. I will bring order and openness to our township board.

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