Wendi’s Word: Let it snow

The snowfall on Monday was beautiful to watch. It wasn’t until dark I thought about it would have been a hot cocoa day. Too focused on work and driving on the roads to worry about marshmallows and hot cocoa.
No matter the roads, I like to ease myself saying I have driven in worse. Even in high school I drove on worst roads and down the same roads I still drive today. The curve I didn’t like driving when icy, still don’t like it but drove it four times on Monday because to avoid taking the dirt road, have to take the nearby curvy road.
Plus, it’s not so bad for this winter. Sure, there have been a few days here and there. And, it’s Michigan we still have at least 2-3 months to go as cold likes to pop up here and there in April.
Weekend snow is nice and there is no place we need to be. We can just stay home and let the Road Commission of Oakland County do their work and DPWs of local cities and townships do what they need to do on the roads.
Six-year-old Jonathan starts FIRST Lego League this week at his elementary. I am pretty excited for it. It might grow into an interest into something more down the road. Or it might not. Time will tell. Plus, it’s Kindergarten. He might bounce in and out of interests and that’s fine.
With possibilities it’s time to think spring. Even though we are barely through winter, time to sign the boys up for some activities. Three-year-old Oliver is old enough for our local Kiddie Kickers. I don’t know how well he will listen but he seemed interested when big brother was doing it.
As for JD, he could continue soccer or try something new. He has already shared he doesn’t like running in physical education, me too, kid, me too. It was my least favorite in P.E.
As for the home office, it’s looking great. It’s coming together…slowly. I spent a good six hours one day. moving all the paper on the new shelves and organizing. I love shelves and to have shelves is so glorious.
I made a big dent. The bookshelves everything was on are pretty much empty.
I even went through some paper as I put it away. It’s helps when you don’t see for awhile. Most of the paper stacks were in a drawer and about half I put to the side. They will find a new home at JD’s elementary school after I emailed his teacher and she said yes, they would take them.

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