Our township needs to be financially stable in order to provide the essential government services we pay for, require, and deserve.
Proper budgeting and financial management experience is needed to accomplish that stability.
Of the four candidates for township supervisor, Paul Brown, CPA, has by far the best professional credentials to provide us with the leadership we need.
Paul Brown is the only candidate who previously served as a township treasurer so he has an excellent understanding of how to invest our tax dollars wisely.
Our multi-term former township supervisor, Pat Kittle, has endorsed Paul Brown. Having held the position for many years, Mr. Kittle knows what skills are needed to be an effective township supervisor and he apparently sees those skills in Paul Brown. We need someone who understands budgeting and municipal finances.
Given his background, Paul Brown, CPA, is the best qualified candidate to become our next township supervisor.
Henry S. Woloson
Independence Township