Congratulations and a great hurrah for our school district planning and performance!
In late September, our community was informed that Clarkston third, fourth and fifth grade students achieved the highest grade level proficiency in Oakland County. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports was introduced and adopted by the board earlier in 2021. Greg Need and Cheryl McGinnis were and are supporters of the program designed to provide guidance and assistance to our administration, principals, teachers, subject area coaches, aides, program coordinators, behavioral specialists and more, so that our Clarkston students could excel despite the health crisis that beset us.
To see a good thing, to investigate it, and to support it are signs of leadership.
That kind of leadership is so very important to a school district which I have witnessed getting better and stronger every year of the 40-plus years we have lived here. Our children did well in Clarkston schools and we count as friends the many members of the school community who continue to look for even greater improvement. All members of the educational team, from the Board to the support staff are reflective of the intention to prepare our children, our future leaders, to the optimal level.
Vote to re-elect Greg Need and Cheryl McGinnis.
Betty and Terry Haran