City has other options to pay for sewer repairs

The summary of the city council’s discussion of paying for more than $121,000 in sewer repairs (“Clarkston City Council discusses several items at Aug. 26 meeting,” September 4, 2024, pp 1, 18) leaves out information for the no-bid contract without specifications that the council approved. The council rejected two sources of payment that would make it unnecessary to raise sewer rates on Clarkston residents to pay for these repairs. Contrary to city manager Smith’s statement at the Aug. 26 meeting, he said at the Aug. 12 meeting that the sewer fund had about $50,000 in a sewer “rainy day fund.” And the city is expecting a payment of over $96,000 from Independence Township to reimburse the city for its overpayment of police and fire coverage. The $96,000 is not included in the current budget and isn’t currently allocated to any particular expenses.
These two sums together would cover the sewer repair costs without the need for raising sewer rates and charging residents an additional $121,052 ($215.01 for each house, more for commercial properties). Why didn’t anyone on the council consider this? What is the city going to do with the $96,000 from the township? Who is looking out for the residents and taxpayers here?

Richard Bisio

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