Thank you from CCHS

The board of directors of the Clarkston Community Historical Society (CCHS) would like to thank all those involved in our 52nd annual Art in the Village held last weekend.
This event is the main fundraiser for the CCHS and profits support our Clarkston Heritage Museum, as well as local history programs within the schools.
We are especially grateful to the following sponsors who helped make this an exceptional year and resounding success. We want to acknowledge Woodland Airstream, Clarkston News View Newspaper Group, Vista Springs Trillium Village, Yellow Dog Marketplace, TNR Disposal Services, the City of the Village of Clarkston, Boy Scout Troop #199, Clarkston High School NHS and all those who volunteered their time over the weekend.
As always, we had thousands of people attend the two-day event and the park was full of happy families enjoying the last weekend of summer!

Toni Smith

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