Addison nixes $25 fee for spring clean up

After deciding to charge residents a $25 fee for participating in the Saturday, May 13 Spring Clean Up, the Addison Township Board rescinded its original motion and waived the fee at a special meeting Tuesday night.
Trustee Ed Brakefield made the unanimously approved motion to ‘rescind the first motion that we made charging the $25 fee (approved March 20) and make a new motion to make it a volunteer donation with the balance coming from the general fund and community projects (fund) as necessary.?
In other words, the mandatory $25 fee was dropped and now voluntary donations will be accepted. No mention was made of the $50 fee for dump trucks.
The township had previously budgeted $5,000 for the clean-up with $2,500 coming from the 2006-07 budget and the other $2,500 coming from fees paid by residents anticipated to participate in the clean-up.
Treasurer Dan Alberty had secured $2,450 in donations from local businesses, which would have eliminated the fee for residents. Supervisor Bob Koski had donations from two other businesses that were not collected at the time, but would have brought the total close to $3,000.
Alberty voluntarily returned the donations following a contentious discussion with trustees at the April 17 board meeting. Prior to Tuesday’s special meeting, Alberty went back to the donors when it was indicated to him the mandatory fee would be dropped. He was able to re-collect $50 in cash and $2,000 in pledges.
Alberty was not pleased with the board’s sudden change of heart and accused them of ‘trying to slide this thing through really quick.?
‘I just don’t think that this is fair at all and I’m quite upset,? he said to the board.
Trustee Claudia VonDrak had a different view.
‘I think that what we’re attempting to do here tonight is something for the citizens of this township,? Von Drak said. ‘And I think we all left our egos at the door tonight. I know I did.?
‘We came together as a team to try and do something for the people of this township,? VonDrak added.
Addison resident Bob Smith questioned the board as to why the special meeting agenda items couldn’t have waited until the regular board meeting Monday, May 15.
‘I assume you trustees are being paid for tonight’s meeting,? he said. ‘It would be a very nice gesture if you donate tonight’s fee to the spring clean up.?
Each of the four trustees earned an extra $50 for attending the special meeting.