Dear Editor,
Most of us go through our lives and take so many daily blessings for granted. Nov. 1 and 2, I was privileged to able to work with the Divine Mercy Knights of Columbus and Nemian’s Family Market to host a food drive to restock the shelves of our local food pantry, Neighbor For Neighbor, located in Davisburg.
Due to the generosity of so many Neiman’s shoppers, we were able to collect a wagon full of food, diapers and basic necessities for folks who need a bit of help to get through a rough spot.
The shoppers didn’t judge, question, suspect why these people need help, they just helped. The Knights collecting the food gave their time freely and gladly to help another in need. Neiman’s management and employees welcomed us and partnered in the food drive. Neighbor For Neighbor is a program run completely by volunteers who work year round to support those in need.
We are indeed blessed to live in such a wonderful community where people care for one another.
Often news stories cover terrible events involving people doing terrible things, but working the food drive I realized the good guys outnumber the bad. This successful food drive is a blessing I don’t take for granted. What a beautiful start to the Thanksgiving season!
Today I invite you to take a moment to count your abundant Blessings,
Steve Rawe, Food Drive chairman
Divine Mercy Knights of Columbus, Council 14883