Letter to the Editor: Supporting trustee for supervisor

Dear Editor,

After reading about Patrick Kittle’s resignation as township supervisor in the July 14, 2021 edition of The Clarkston News, I immediately thought about Jose Aliaga as being an excellent choice to be appointed.
I helped Jose Aliaga with his campaign last November when he ran for re-election as a township trustee.
While several trustees were elected, Jose had the most votes. It brought me pleasure to see the residents of this township recognized and supported the enormous contributions he has made to help make this community a great place to live.
I met Jose when he helped me return to the U.S. from Peru during the lockdown. Since then, I have continued to witness how much he demonstrates compassionate service in all areas of this community.
He truly leads and serves from his heart.
When he sees a problem, he immediately looks for a solution and gathers a team of people to solve the issue. I have also seen how much people enjoy being around him and are inspired by his leadership.
I truly hope the board who is appointing the next township supervisor chooses Jose Aliaga, a man who is strongly committed and passionate about our community.

Michelle M. Phaup
Independence Township

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