Dear Editor,
Clarkston Road is being resurfaced, but nothing is being done to protect Parke Lake (and the Lower Mill Pond) from the migration of a known pollution plume adjacent to the former gas station – now Morgan’s – at the corner with Main Street.
Apparently, the road will be resurfaced without addressing the effect of the periodic flooding at the site.
MDEQ identified contamination at the site in 1991 – that’s 30 years ago! While various solutions have been considered over the years, no “safe” method of mitigation was ever agreed to or implemented. The south edge of the property, where it meets the road, was graded and filled with gravel several times, but rain still pools there blocking part of the road and “bleeds” into the groundwater.
Obviously, city leadership has been aware of the problem for years, and various solutions have been considered. Indeed, nearly seven years ago it was the subject of negotiations between the new owner of the property and the city about holding the owner and others “harmless” of lawsuits. (FOIA correspondence)
When will this problem be addressed seriously and by whom: current city leadership? Or will this pollution problem continue to be “kicked down the road?”
Tom Stone