Dear Editor,
It’s been over a month since Gerald Fisher was appointed Independence Township supervisor by the township board and as 37-year residents and taxpayers of this township, we’re already very disappointed in his inability to communicate with the residents of this township.
His total lack of response to our early and mid-November emails and calls to his office leave us wondering if we have a township supervisor at all!
The issue brought to his office’s attention: The numerous roadwork signs that were installed almost a year ago on Mann Road and Clintonville Road by the Lombardo “Insignia” apartment development on Clintonville north of Mann. Roadwork signs that were never used and remained covered during the roadwork still remain long after the roadwork was completed. These signs are nothing more than road hazards for residents pulling into and out of their driveways.
It’s been over a month since we initially contacted the township supervisor’s office and we haven’t received an acknowledgment of our concerns by him, or any other township official. Very disappointing and troubling when we consider that all previous elected supervisors never had a problem taking the time to acknowledge a concern brought to their attention and further communicating to us what action they will or will not take regarding our concerns.
Pretty simple stuff to most seems to be eluding this new administration. We’d hoped for better, but sadly, that is not the case.
The appointed supervisor’s inability to take two minutes to communicate with those paying his salary falls on him and the township board who hired him. Appointing someone to run a township when that person can’t be bothered to respond or communicate in any way to citizens isn’t what board members or the public voted for.
It’s become obvious to us that the Independence Township board made a mistake when they appointed someone who isn’t responsive to citizen’s concerns in any way.
As far as we’re concerned, Independence Township still doesn’t have a supervisor.
Michael & Lori Powell
Independence Township