At the December 13 Clarkston City Council meeting, council voted to approve two races through the city in 2022, the Angels’ Place Race on May 14 and the Waterford Bank Half-Marathon on November 12.
A motion to utilize a recently obtained $3,000 grant from the Clarkston Area Optimists to construct and install a small footbridge over the Depot Park raingarden was approved, pending Historic District Commission approval, while a resolution to spend $5,069 to repair the underbody scraper on the city’s large dump truck was discussed and approved.
In addition, a proposal to have the Clarkston Planning Commission research the possibility of a new rental housing inspection ordinance was approved. and Kevin Knapp and Robert Sowles were nominated and confirmed to replace two planning commission members who are retiring (Frank Schoebel and Rich Little).
Bill Basinger and Margaret DaCosta, both of the city’s zoning board of appeals, were also recognized at the meeting for their upcoming retirements.
Lastly, the December 27 city council meeting was canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 10.